
Defined in header <scicpp/core.hpp>

Load a vector from a string.

template<typename DataType = double>
std::vector<DataType> fromstring(const char *str, char sep, const ConvertersDict &converters = {})
template<typename DataType = double>
std::vector<DataType> fromstring(const std::string &str, char sep, const ConvertersDict &converters = {})

The template argument DataType is the type of the loaded data (by default double).

str:The string containing the data.
sep:The character separating the data.
converters:(Optional) A dictionary mapping column number to a function that will parse the column string into the desired value.


#include <cstdlib>
#include <scicpp/core.hpp>

int main()
    const auto v1 = scicpp::fromstring("42, 89, 66", ',');
    scicpp::print(v1); // [42.0, 89.0, 66.0]

    const auto v2 = scicpp::fromstring("42 89 66", ' ');
    scicpp::print(v2); // [42.0, 89.0, 66.0]

    const auto v3 = scicpp::fromstring<int>(
        "42 89 66",
        ' ',
        {{0, [](auto x) { return -std::atoi(x); }},
         {1, [](auto x) { return 10 - std::atoi(x); }}});
    scicpp::print(v3); // [-42, -79, 66]
See also
Scipy documentation